///////////////////////////////// ///// SCPPJBT APPLICATION ///////////////////////////////// // Depends on : // mootools Core (1.3) // Namespace var SCPPJBT = { version:"1.0.0", config:{} }; SCPPJBT.components={}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// INIT APPLICATION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load // Init HTML5+PNG Compatibility for IE6, IE7, IE8 if(Browser.ie6 || Browser.ie7 || Browser.ie8) { document.createElement("header"); document.createElement("footer"); document.createElement("section"); document.createElement("aside"); document.createElement("nav"); document.createElement("article"); // Init support of pngfix if(Browser.ie6) { var myScript = Asset.javascript('/js/pngfix.js', { id: 'pngfix', onLoad: function() {} }); } } // Dowready : init Classes SCPPJBT.initApplication = function() { // Init Signature (id="form_ajax") new SCPPJBT.components.Signature({}); // Init FormAjax (id="form_ajax") if($('form_ajax')) { new SCPPJBT.components.FormAjax({}); }; // Init Slide Effect (id="slide") if($('slide')) { if(!Browser.ie6) { new SCPPJBT.components.SlideEffect({}); } }; // Init Map (id="map") //if($('map')) { new SCPPJBT.components.Map({}); }; if($('api-beta')) { new SCPPJBT.components.dentisteGuard({}); }; }; ////// DOMREADY window.addEvent('domready', SCPPJBT.initApplication); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// CLASS COMPONENTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------------------------------------- // Class component Signature SCPPJBT.components.Signature = new Class({ initialize: function(){ if(!Browser.ie6) { console.log('by Escale Digitale'); } } }); //--------------------------------------------------- // Class component FormAjax SCPPJBT.components.FormAjax = new Class({ initialize: function(config){ var _component = this ; // this = Class instance $('form_ajax').addEvent('submit', this.submit); $$('*[class*="required"]').each(function(el){ el.addEvent('focus', _component.focus); el.addEvent('blur', _component.blur); }); }, // initialize focus: function(e){ if(this.hasClass('error')) { this.removeClass('error'); } }, blur: function(e){ if(this.get('value')=='') { this.addClass('error'); } }, submit: function(e){ // Stop other actions new Event(e).stop(); new SCPPJBT.components.SendFormAjax({}); } // submit }); //--------------------------------------------------- // Class component SendFormAjax SCPPJBT.components.SendFormAjax = new Class({ initialize: function(config){ var _component = this ; // this = Class instance this.submit(); }, // initialize submit: function(e){ // Check the required input (with class="required") var check_required = null; $$('*[class*="required"]').each(function(el){ if(el.get('value')==''){ el.addClass('error'); check_required = 1 ; } else { el.removeClass('error'); } }); // Submit form if required input are submitted if(check_required == null){ // Config Ajax request from form (url = action) $('form_ajax').set('send', { onRequest: function(response) { $('log').setStyle('opacity', '1').removeClass('log_validated').removeClass('log_error').addClass('log_load').empty().set('html','Transaction en cours'); }, onComplete: function(response) { if(response=="Votre message a bien été envoyé.
Nous vous répondrons dès que possible.") { $('log').addClass('log_validated').set('html',response+'

'); $('fields').set('html',''); $$('#form_ajax input[type="submit"]').each(function(el){ el.destroy(); }); } else { $('log').removeClass('log_load').addClass('log_error').set('html',response); } }, onFailure: function(response) { $('log').removeClass('log_load').addClass('log_error').empty().set('html','Le serveur ne répond pas.'); } }); // Send Ajax $('form_ajax').send(); } } // submit }); //--------------------------------------------------- // Class component Slide Effect SCPPJBT.components.SlideEffect = new Class({ initialize: function(config){ this.id = config.id?config.id:""; this.name = config.name?config.name:""; var timing = 3000; var slideDiv = $('slide'); var start = 1; // Count the number of images function node_counter(parentNode) { var countNode = null ; var node = parentNode.getFirst('div'); while (node!=null) { countNode++; node = node.getNext('div'); } if(countNode==null) { return countNode = 0 ; } if(countNode!=null) { return countNode ; } } var countNode = node_counter(slideDiv); // Fx for the last image function showFxOut(image) { var myEffect = new Fx.Morph($(image), {duration: '1000', transition: Fx.Transitions.Sine.easeIn}); myEffect.start({ 'opacity': 0 }); } // Slide all images once var slide = function() { // Init the first and the last div of the slide this.nodeTarget = slideDiv.getFirst('div'); nodeLast = slideDiv.getLast('div'); this.nodeTarget.setStyle('opacity', 1); //nodeLast.setStyle('opacity', 0); // Create an ids list of images var list = []; var listIndex = 0; while(this.nodeTarget!=null) { listIndex++; list.include(this.nodeTarget.id); this.nodeTarget=this.nodeTarget.getNext('div'); // Init Style for all next div of the slide if(this.nodeTarget!=null) { if(start==1 || listIndex<(countNode-1)) { this.nodeTarget.setStyle('opacity', 0); } if(start==0 && listIndex==(countNode-1)) { showFxOut(this.nodeTarget.id) ; } } // First node still always visible if(list.indexOf(this.nodeTarget)==0) { this.nodeTarget.setStyle('opacity', 1); } } var first = list[0]; var last = list.getLast(); start=0; // Effect to apply to the image var showFx = function(image) { var myEffect = new Fx.Morph($(image), {duration: '1000', transition: Fx.Transitions.Sine.easeOut}); myEffect.start({ 'opacity': 1 }); }; // Launch the effect of image with a period var myChain = new Chain(); list.each(function(image) { myChain.chain( function(){ if(image!=first) { showFx(image); } // Deleting the periodical timer if(image==last) { /*clear(timer);*/ } } ); }); var runChain = function() { myChain.callChain(); } var timer = runChain.periodical(timing); }; // Lunch the first slide (no waiting the periodical) slide(); // Lunch the slide slide.periodical((countNode+1)*timing); } // initialize }); // function gmap() { // var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(47.191302,-1.550617); // var myOptions = { // zoom: 12, // center: myLatlng, // mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP // } // var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), myOptions); // // Nantes // var nantes = new google.maps.LatLng(47.190728,-1.550682); // var markerNantes = new google.maps.Marker({ // position: nantes, // map: map, // title:"Cabinet Dentaire Rezé" // }); // } //--------------------------------------------------- //Class component Evitement // SCPPJBT.components.Map = new Class({ // initialize: function(){ // function loadScript() { // var script = document.createElement("script"); // script.type = "text/javascript"; // script.src = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&callback=gmap®ion=FR&key=ABQIAAAAs694SHeeqm5mF-3IOMP0wBRPsmcIBdhhh-ihO1nm9ypFljuR1xRBSkMQ5-LdU6awlKt0MQ79Nflx2w"; // document.body.appendChild(script); // } // loadScript(); // } // }); //--------------------------------------------------- //Class component dentisteGuard API SCPPJBT.components.dentisteGuard = new Class({ initialize: function(){ // Check Tweets var myJSONP = new Request.JSONP({ url: 'http://www.dentistedegarde.net/ga/action/index.php', data: { service: 'next_guard' }, onComplete: function(response){ var data = response.data; Locale.use('fr-FR'); var date = Date.parse(data.garde_date); date = new Date(date).format('%A %d %B %Y'); var html = '+ Prochain dentiste de garde le :

'+date+' de 9h à 12h

'; html = html+''+data.dentiste_prenom+' '+data.dentiste_nom+'
'; html = html+''+data.dentiste_adresse+'
'+data.dentiste_codep+' '+data.ville_name+'
'; html = html+''+data.dentiste_tel.match(new RegExp(".{0,2}", "g")).join(' ');+'
'; $('garde').set('html',html) } }).send(); } });